Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where oh where is my bike?

Well, to be truthful I do own several bikes back in the U.S., but right now I don't have one. As we drive around, all I look for are bikes. Not just any bike, but the "needle in the haystack" bike. After seeing a few hundred Huffies, Magnas, and Pacifics I've been able to spot a few non-Wal- mart bikes. These are truly rare--and if the brake cables and derailleurs are still attached, that is an amazing bonus. Most bikes here are missing brakes, have the chain locked into one gear, and have a pretty rad BMX handlebar addition...true cruisers. In Port-au-Prince, there aren't many bikes as the hills are killer--think San Francisco with potholes and/or no pavement. Other, flatter, towns have more bikes, and that is where my search will go when I can actually buy a bike.

This is not anything earth shattering, but bikes were a big part of my previous life and I hope to bike again....I'm thinking of a nice simple fixed-gear to blend in (bike with no gears/brakes). I just need some big tough tires and an expensive (eek!) fixed gear hub, but maybe would be fun, though. Until next time.



Unknown said...

Don't you mean that you used to own several bikes back in the U.S.? Because said bikes have been exchanged for cold, hard currency. This fits into my current life theme of "unemployment" and "selling other people's possessions so I can pay my mortgage." Fun times.

Edith Yoder said...

Garth says to tell you that he just got a bike - finally! And he's gleefully headed out the door and tells me to write to tell you, "Ha Ha Ha... I'm heading out to ride my bike right now!" (Ok, so just let it be known that I don't edit his quotes....)