Saturday, August 23, 2008


the missing ingredient in uploading photos. Phew.

A few highlights from last week:

Kay Henri Christophe ("House of Henri Christophe"), the palace that the second leader of Haiti built for himself. It was destroyed by an earthquake and is now in the process of being restored.

A very fishing place, as someone described it the other day. These guys were using a home-stitched sail in a bay just north of Ft. Liberte.

The Citadel, also built by Christophe. It was meant to be a refuge for Haitians should the enslaving French ever invade again. Built with conscripted labor and mortared together with gelatin, animal blood, and sand, this monumental structure was never finished or used.

Orchid, found along the path to the citadel. Picked by our guide, much to our chagrin.

Starfish menace. Bryan is not usually such a threat to wildlife. Can't take him anywhere.

(published by Sharon, through Bryan's account)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wa-hoo got the blog address and really enjoying catching up with you guys! Bryan your looking mighty Shuai with that beard! Leave the poor starfish alone!