Thursday, April 8, 2010

Getting published is so last century...

Yesterday afternoon we stopped to pick up a few groceries at the supermarket. While we loaded up the truck, we were approached by a smiling young man selling photocopies of a poem his brother had written. Well, how could we resist?

After the Night

While we contemplated the tender smiles of the new year
Announcing an arrival
beautiful curves full of gaiety
New horizons of all shades

We hoped for coming days of light
evenings of illumination

Oh! It's too terrible to imagine
that such misfortune draws up,
that the trigger of destiny awaited us
packed away our souls. The hearts of our fellows
collapse, dreams absorbed by despair
shaving a third of the seedlings sown over the years

We are suddenly lost
in the density of shadows
We need a candle
we even lost the stars

When evil was sown
Hope already germinated
We hope for the coming of the dawn

after the night, the sun always rises

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