Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can someone please do this? Pretty please?

I've noticed how "process" blogs and books are all the rage now, like The Year of Living Biblically, Julie & Julia, or Simply Me: A Year of Eating Locally, Mindfully, Simply (highly recommended, by the way).

I would LOVE to read a blog tracking someone's page-by-page progress through the projects in this amazing 1981 Reader's Digest publication:*

Basically (get it?), it covers a wide array of survivalist and hobby skills, from organizing your garden to candlemaking to to basketry to the fine art of scrimshaw.

Our office copy here is a little beat up, but it still asks helpful questions...

shows you how to beautify your environment...

and have fun while working:

You can even learn how to look great - because "For Well-Dressed Hikers, Fashions Never Change":

But the book also throws down a few challenges:


- with proper surveyor's tools, of course.

Now there's nothing stopping you from having your dream barn!

And as if all this wasn't enough, it even tells you how to harness the energy of the sun.

The person blogging through this book would be one of the most inefficient people ever, but man alive. You could do anything.

* I can't start the Back-to-Basics blog because I'm in the midst of writing My Year[s] of Being a Foreigner in Rural Haiti, aka this blog.


Ben said...

Is the girl in the fashion picture on a cellphone?

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the recommendation! And thank you for everything you're doing in Haiti. I know MCC is doing great work there.

Unknown said...

Wow i think i might actually have this book... or at least something very similar!