Thursday, December 11, 2008

More from the Dominican Republic

Our last post detailed the trials of border crossing, but we thought we should also show you a little of what we did while there:

We spent time visiting the farms of a local community group.

Have you ever seen black pepper growing in a garden? This plot kept turning up new wonders: tangerines, sweet potatoes, spices, and passionfruit.

A mischievous Dominican horse.

Fields of oregano - it was like walking on deliciously-scented clouds.

Looks like even Santa had trouble getting a visa this year.

Sorry, I couldn't resist the cheesy ending!

1 comment:

joel said...

Brian & Sharon,
I was in Leger (Chaine de Matheux) a month ago and met a man by name of Alphonse who works the MCC tree nursery. I have some ideas regarding tree stuff up there. Drop me a msg:


Joel C. Timyan