Friday, February 26, 2010

Where's a speedboat when you need one?

Late Wednesday night I learned that my dear grandmother, Lula Dowell Morrison, passed away after an illness of few weeks. We did get to see her over the Christmas holiday -- but that fact still doesn't make the loss feel any lighter.

I spent all day yesterday trying to get a flight home in time for the funeral this evening, only to discover that every seat on every American Airlines flight (which seems to be the only commercial airline operating right now) is booked.

This is actually how things went:
Me: When is the next seat available?
AA: It looks like there's one seat open next Wednesday, but you'll have to pay an extra seven hundr-- ah, nope, now that one's gone too.

Super frustrating. Especially since the only place I want to be now is home with my Granddad.

Our stress leave is scheduled for March 7-22, but I'm hoping to get home sooner than that. Right now I'm trying to book a flight through the Santo Domingo airport and then I'll figure out how to get over to the Dominican Republic. Wish me luck.


Beth said...

oh no! I'm sorry to hear of your grandmother's passing and your inability to get out of the country in time for the funeral. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this sad time.

Kathy said...

Praying for you during this trying time. That you may have peace in the midst of it all.

SAHM, Esq. said...

I'm truly sorry for your loss.