Monday, November 10, 2008

Sad things.

Being in Haiti has its ups and downs, and one of the things I dislike more than most is when you can't be with your family when loved ones die. My grandmother, Lois Thompson, passed away on Saturday after spending her final weeks at home with family and friends. Feelings of guilt creep in pretty easily for me, and I feel as if I should be home for this. Please remember her and my family in your prayers and thoughts.

Also, on Friday a school collapsed in Port-au-Prince. For a country that has ongoing daily problems with food security, unemployment, and the like, this is yet another tragedy. We were in the city this past weekend - market women are talking about it, and people are following the news as the search for survivors continues. Please pray for the families affected by this tragedy. If you want to read more about this, you can do so here.


Christina D. said...

Oh, Sharon. I'm so sorry for your loss. What a difficult time. I have been and will continue to keep you in my thoughts.

Kathy said...

We are sorry to hear about the death in your family. Must be a difficult time and we will pray for you and your family

Unknown said...

Bryan and Sharon,

Thanks for your kind words and prayers. We know you would be here if you could. Mom-mom knew that as well. She was following your blog from here and knows you are off doing God's work. I'm sure she would want you to continue and not spend time thinking about her. Sound familiar?

Uncle Tim

dshapiro said...

Just reading this now - I'm so sorry to hear about your grandma. I just lost my grandfather in a similar fashion right around the same time and couldn't afford to fly to Milwuakee and be with my family and grandma who is alone for the first time since she married at 18. In fact, I haven't gone yet and honestly don't know when I'll be able to. It's pretty bad. I can definitely share in your guilt.